User:Gutemberg Raposo da Silva

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EFL Teacher, Translator and traveler. Bachelor's degree in English and Portuguese language and their literature from Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins (2009). Has experience in Applied Linguistics to ESL and EFL, focusing on the use of new Information and Communication Technologies applied to the teaching and learning of English. Developed project with scholarship in the PIVIC program: Programa Institucional Voluntário de Iniciação Científica (PIVIC-UFT) with the project title: Novas Tecnologias para o ensino de línguas (Orientadora: Jaciara Rondon Gonçalves). Currently is a collaborator researcher at N.E.L. (Núcleo de Estudos da Linguagem, is a member of ALAB - Associação de Linguística Aplicada do Brasil, is a member of Associação de Professores de Língua Inglesa do Estado do Tocantins, is a member of IEARN - International Education and Resource Network and works as a professor at the faculdade de letras by the UFT-Araguaína. Has experience on the field of Linguistics applied to the teaching of English as a foreign language through the use of the new information and communication technologies.