User:Guillaume Rouy

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Guillaume Rouy
TED Translator
Born September 24, 2000 (2000-09-24) (age 23)
Residence Paris, France
Occupation Student (Engineering)
TED Profile LinkedIn
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
la-2 Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
Search user languages

Hello and welcome to this profile page ! Here, you will find information about translations that I have completed, pieces of advice, stories to share or even information about me.

Reviewing resources - Ressources de relecture

This section is intended to advise translators and give them the information they need in order to deliver great subtitles. If you were directed here after a review, take a look at the parts I suggested you to check.

Cette section est destinée à conseiller les traducteurs et traductrices et leur donner l'information dont ils ont besoin pour renvoyer de bons sous-titres. Si vous avez été dirigé ici après une relecture, jetez un œil aux parties que je vous ai suggérées de lire.


Click here for an explanatory video about reading speed and subtile length

Reading speed Vitesse de lecture

Whenever you select a subtitle, you can get a ratio called Chars/sec : the number of characters divided by the duration of the subtitle. The higher the ratio is, the harder it is to read the subtitle (the less time you have to read). This ratio is thus limited at 21 ch/s.

Check this video to learn how to tacle this kind of issues

En selectionnant

Subtitle length - Longueur des sous-titres

Translating in French - Traduire en français

Comment utiliser la ponctuation ?

Comment couper mes sous-titres ?

Comment représenter le son ?